Monday, April 20, 2009

Is this not the CUTEST pair of boys! I believe I took this before school last Thursday, they were playing monster trucks.

Friday night we had some friends over, this is all the kids winding down before we put them to bed.

Lucas, Graham, Jaxon, Becca and Ethan

Lastly, Paul made the boys a trapeze in the backyard. I caught them doing this, this afternoon...

Easter 2009

I managed to get a few pictures this year. It was difficult but I forced the boys to do it.
We started the day by waking them up at 6:45am. YES, you read that right. We went to the 8am service to make room for others at the last 2 services. Good thing we did, it took people 30 minutes just to park and make it in the church!
After church is when I forced them in front of the camera before the Bunny came to visit.
I didn't fix the red-eye, but at least you are getting to see pictures!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Having Boys

I think this is what it will be like having boys...I just wish I had pictures of it all.
Last Saturday Ethan started complaining of his ear hurting.

Monday I knew for sure it was an ear infection. Graham's knees were almost healed from a nasty spill a few weeks ago.

Tuesday Graham crashed and burned again both knees and a foot have serious strawberries.

Wednesday at Ethan's soccer practice Graham fell 5 feet off the jungle gym, landed on his butt. Ethan's ear is feeling better after meds.

Thursday at my birthday dinner, in our neighbor's backyard, all the kids went to town in the sand pit. Graham gets bit by a mosquito, his eye is so swollen he can hardly open it.

Friday the kids swim in our neighbors hot tub, Ethan gets sun burned.

For real, this has been our week!!!