Thursday, November 29, 2007

Christmas Decorating

The boys decorating their tree.

Every year the decorating gets more and more fun. The boys were nearly beside themselves when we were putting the trees up; one for the family and one for the boys...shatterproof ornaments and such! Ethan notices every new thing that I put up, I love it.

The other night I came into the study/playroom to check my email and this is what I saw...

How adorable! He put the stuffed animals out to watch the tree. My kind tenderhearted son!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Well I cooked, basted and baked my way through my first Thanksgiving meal to do all on my own. Quite frankly, it was delicious. At least I thought so. You know how in your mind you can get all caught up in your own cozy thoughts and ideas of how Thanksgiving should be; I certainly did. Somehow amidst those thoughts I forgot I had 2 toddlers! I was so irritated by the time I was ready to put the food on the table, that Paul took me aside and told me to lighten up. I tried. So we sit down to eat, neither son is interested in eating and Ethan is just making mush pot out of his plate! ERG!!! Lunch finally ended, and off to the park we went to run around and take a few pics - and a pit stop on the way to Starbucks. It was so COLD!

At dinner, of course we had left overs; I think the food went over much better that time - the boys were actually hungry! That made me feel a better. After dinner Paul suggested we all draw pictures together. We broke out the crafts and drew Christmas trees, which will proudly be hung this Christmas. That was the best part of the day together. I love my husband and my boys.

side note: if you took my christmas tree drawing and held it up to one i did in 4th would look EXACTLY the same.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Gobble Gobble Gobble

Tonight Ethan and I decorated turkey cookies. He has been excited all day about this, Graham was just in it for the candy corns. (I kid you not he pitched a screaming fit at the store when I would not open them.) Anyway, we got everything out and Ethan was already to just start eating the icing; so I let him lick a beater. You can see the transformation of the turkeys, in the middle is the "Oh no, please don't eat me turkey." We say, "Gobble Gobble Gobble, we will eat you up!" Graham has this thing, when eating sweets, he really likes to dig in face first and then somewhere along the way start eating like a human again. Cracks me up.

It was a fun memory and tradition we started for Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Graham is always fussing and hovering me while I am trying to cook dinner. I get it, he's hungry. But for real, give me 2 seconds to cook it. Tonight, I gave him a few animal crackers. Naturally, that was not enough and he was standing at the part of the counter where the jar is saying "Mama Mama Mama!" I give him a few more, he chows them down. Back to the fussing. I am getting everything out, plates, drinks, etc. I decide to throw away the biscuits left over from breakfast that were still on the stove top, since they were in my way. Next thing I know, there is Graham with a biscuit in his hand and a huge bit in his mouth. Straight from the trash can, he is NOT picky about where it comes from. And since I have been typing this, he has gone back and got the other one. NICE! Oh well, at least they were on top!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Graham has always loved the play kitchen, everything about it. I have to be careful not let him leave sippy cups in the fridge - it has happened and it is nasty! Last night he was so adorably working in the kitchen and then setting the table over and over again. At one point Paul and Ethan were the dining patrons, they got bored and decided to play cars.

Now that Graham has a grocery cart and hopefully the play food he will get for Christmas (wink wink Meema), we can work on the shopping part of it!

Strong Arm of the Law

Ethan wears his cowboy boots every single day without fail; unless I force him into other shoes. Really, I think it is adorable. Yesterday we were going to run errands and he insisted on wearing his holster/belt/guns! He looked so cute in his boots and shirt...why not let him and add the hat. The only rule was he was not allowed to shoot them in the store, and he obeyed (VICTORY!).

As we were putting Ethan's garb on, Graham decided he needed to do the same. Well he came out with a belt that Paul helped him partially loop in his pants. He proudly wore it the whole day as well. They were so cute. I love those cowboys.

Saturday, November 3, 2007


Tonight Ethan kept crying that his mouth hurt. We finally narrowed it down to one of those sore bumps on your tongue. He could not fall asleep, and told us that he needed some medicine. Paul said, "Ok", and proceeded to get him some. My thoughts, what in the world would Paul be giving him for a sore bump on his tongue! He comes back into Ethan's bedroom with a medicine dropper full of blue medicine - Ethan's favorite color. Gives it to him and Ethan falls peacefully to sleep.

I asked Paul what he put in the dropper. His reply, "Pixie stix mixed with water!" (sly grin) I must hand it to the man: inventive, yummy, and got Ethan to sleep without another peep!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween

COWBOYS!!! My cowboys are the bravest and most handsome. We went to Trick or Treat at our friends in the neighborhood, then went to church for the Fall Festival. Pony rides, bounce houses, petting zoo, games, candy, cupcakes, big slides, candy, candy, candy. We were all exhausted when we got home. But a fun evening overall.