Thursday, August 16, 2007

Cowboy & Cowgirl

Andie, Ethan's Aunt, known to everyone as Alison, rides horses. Actually, she show jumps her horse Gabe, and is very good. Ethan has been out to the barn where her horse is a few times, and loves it. Lately, he really wants to be a cowboy. With good behavior he is earning stickers to get his cowboy gear!

Last week I took Ethan and Madeline out to the barn to ride horses. Arriving at the barn, Andie introduced us to all the horses, and gave us the barn rules.

***Interjection: I have pretty much been scared of horses my whole life. Bad experiences, and also seeing friends at youth camps get tossed off. The last time I got on one was probably in high school which I am positive ended with me crying and getting off. Yes, you can laugh.***

Casey, was the horse the kids rode first, he is older and smaller. Madeline was a little timid at first, but it did not take her long to warm up to them. We started by petting him, giving him a treat, then walking him out to the arena. Ethan got on first with Andie, then quickly decided he would rather ride by himself. So Andie led Casey around with the lead rope while Ethan and Madeline took turns. They were so cute. Next, we watched Andie ride her horse, Gabe. He his big, very big, but sweet. They each took a turn riding Gabe with Andie; however, he is so much bigger, that neither of them liked it very much! We raced around the arena, helped wash Gabe, and then ran over to look at the pond. All in all, it was a fabulous evening at the barn. Not to mention a great way to wear out energy.


***You would be proud at what a big girl I was around the horses. Since I married Paul we have been trying to get me on a horse, but about the time I warmed up to it - I got pregnant. Maybe this year will be my year!***

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As fabulous as it was to have two very adorable children (future prodigy to buy ponies for), it was far more endearing to me to see how brave Laura was around the horses. So very proud...tear!