Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Lovely Weather

I love being out in the yard with the boys. This wonderful weather really gives them energy and excitement. Imagine that a little boy loves to be outside in the grass, playing trucks and getting dirty. When it was time to go in, Graham threw the biggest fit, crack me up - the little booger! Ethan got his tricycle 2 Christmas' ago from Meema...he would not pedal it for anything. Then last month, while visiting Meema, I walk outside and he is going to town. It just proves, they never do what you want them to unless they are ready!!! I should have gotten a picture of him riding in the rain yesterday, but my brain can only do so much!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Today was like any other after a long day of traveling the day before. Ethan was wired and ready to play play play, Graham was tired, fussy and cranky. I was tired; but as a mom that has to be pushed aside to unpack suitcases, go to the grocery store, blah blah blah. Oh did I mention Graham has the fiercest rash from front to back. And I wonder why he couldn't sleep last night and was fussy today. So tonight after bath time, we decide to let his bottom "air out." It kept him from wailing non-stop. We played, crawled around, good stuff before bed time. Bottle time…I lay him on the floor propped on his pillow, and proceed to help Ethan pick up trains that are everywhere – Paul is changing sheets on the crib. About ten minutes into this, I hear Paul…"Uh-oh, we have a situation – this is not good!" Surely it is not my worst nightmare come true. Oh yes it is. What could be better than pooping without a diaper on when you have a bad rash, NOTHING! Ethan and I meet Paul and Graham in the bathroom, it is all over him. Feet, legs, chest, and yes hands. Sick. We bath him, again. Then I ask Paul "Do you want to put the boys to bed or clean up the floor?" "Don't answer," I say "I already know." It was not just a little poop there on the floor. About four places on the rug, trailing over to the suitcase I had unpacked, over to the diaper bag, and finally one last drop in the kitchen. How? Do I still have to finish cleaning the kitchen and fold the clothes on the couch?

Aren’t we supposed to learn from our mistakes?

I was talking to my mom this morning, after Graham got up from his nap, and happened to look down at my shirt. Oh no, did I really spill that much frappucino on my shirt, or surely it’s not Graham? I look down at Graham playing on the floor and notice the same color on the bottom of his pants leg, how would frappucino get down there? Ah reality sets in. “Mom, I’ll have to call you back.” Click. I take Graham to the changing table and pull off his pants…fling…there goes a few bits. I look over at his crib, no wonder he did not sleep very long. I clean Graham up, set him on the floor naked to await his bath; then I take off all his bedding and toys to be washed. I go to the laundry room to spray everything down…how can that much poop get outside one’s diaper? I head back to get Graham, and there he is happily playing in the hugest puddle of poop! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I sweep him up, straight to the bath, let him play in the water while I go clean up the huge mess off the carpet.

Some days all you can do is sit back and laugh at yourself. I find myself doing that more and more often.

One of these days I might learn that you only go diaperless in the backyard!


Welcome to my family! We are the Rhoades. Paul, Laura, Ethan and Graham. Living life, loving life, and just trying to raise our boys the best we possible can. That means we have wonderful days, hard days, fun days, not-so-kind days, adventurous days, boring days; but in the end it is how we handle these days that matter the most. Our boys, Ethan - 3yrs old, and Graham - 10months old, are the light that sparks our days; well, sometimes burn our days too! Hope you enjoy the stories that either humor you or bore you! ha ha ha