Sunday, December 30, 2007

Happy 4th Birthday!!!

Ethan turned 4 today. How much he has grown. It excites me and saddens me all at the same time. His understanding, vocabulary, knowledge, sense of adventure and curiosity has deepend so much this past year, more than i even know.

Ethan is a tender leader with a shepherding heart. I have just realized this in the past few months...the last part at least. The tender part is hard enough for me, not one of my first qualities that jump out at you, but shepherding!!! At least Ethan and I have a wonderful example in D-dad (my Dad). I have begun praying these qualities over him as he sleeps. Thank you Father we can come to you at anytime.

"Cowboys" was the theme for Ethan's party. "Andie" (Alison, Paul's sis) brought over Captain Crunchie the pony. So out in front yard we set up haybales and had pony rides. It was the BEST ever. All that worrying over extra activities...once the pony showed up that was the show! FUN! Thankfully, the weather was beautiful, since we had it on his actual birthday, December 30th. We took pictures of everyone on the pony, ran around, and stuffed our mouths with yummy cupcakes.


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Sayings...

Favorite songs:
Jingle Bells
Away in a Manger
O Christmas Tree
Frosty the Snowman

Sayings and thoughts:
Sings "Simple addy (having) a wonderful Christmas time"
Let's go look at lights
Prays every night for Santa to bring him "Gordon"
Turns all the Christmas lights on every morning
Plays with the nativity while singing carols

Well he really didn't actually sing the words, but loved dancing to them

Sayings and thoughts:
Ooki (cookie)
Ahdi (candy)
Loves the trees

This year was so awesome to watch the boys get excited about everything that encompasses Christmas. We went and looked at lights at least once a week. Graham even loved this. We have done well in passing our excitement down to our boys.

Merry Christmas

Christmas was so much fun this year. Both boys got excited about everything from the lights, nativity, to the sweets...naturally. Christmas morning was especially fantastic. Ethan had been praying every night that Santa would bring him "Gordon" and more train tracks. Can you imagine his excitement that morning when he walked in and there was a huge train track with THREE new trains running on it? He did not leave that track until about 1pm, not to eat, not for anything. As we opened the pile of gifts, it was fun to see his joy in each thing, the clothes...not so much. Graham, well he had a blast, but did not really care about all the gifts. He ate and ate, and played with keys and the cabinets on Grandma's side table. Oh, he opened a few gifts, but very quickly went back to the other.

We left Grandma and Grandpa's house and headed back to Dallas to celebrate the rest of day with our annual tradition of eating at Benihana's on Christmas night. Our chef was fun, the boys were fascinated with him. AND we have never seen either boy eat so much at meal. Maybe I need a hibachi grill!

It was a wonderful day and holiday season. Graham loved all the lights and trees everywhere, and Ethan understood more about Christmas this year from our Savior's birth to Santa Claus. I can not wait until next year.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Baby Back Ribs

I cooked ribs tonight. (If I may boast, they were delicious!) Ethan ate TWO! As you might know, getting Ethan to eat meats is, at times, quite a challenge. I do not demand that he like it, but at least try it! Naturally we were quite impressed that he ate two, and even managed to finish his rice and green beans! GO ETHAN!

I should have known he liked them. Here is a picture of him at 10 1/2 months chowing one!

Ethan at 4 Ethan at 10 1/2 months

Sunday, December 2, 2007


Today we went to the school playground down the street from us. Ethan rode his big boy bike, and Graham got a full service ride! We all really needed some time together out playing. The boys were adorable in their Santa hats, and enjoyed running around acting silly. Which brings me to my sweet husband...I love that he is still a boy himself at heart. I am sure this is what his Mom witnessed when he was a child, as you will see in the video clip. Ethan and Graham love when he is crazy and silly...I do too!