Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Sayings...

Favorite songs:
Jingle Bells
Away in a Manger
O Christmas Tree
Frosty the Snowman

Sayings and thoughts:
Sings "Simple addy (having) a wonderful Christmas time"
Let's go look at lights
Prays every night for Santa to bring him "Gordon"
Turns all the Christmas lights on every morning
Plays with the nativity while singing carols

Well he really didn't actually sing the words, but loved dancing to them

Sayings and thoughts:
Ooki (cookie)
Ahdi (candy)
Loves the trees

This year was so awesome to watch the boys get excited about everything that encompasses Christmas. We went and looked at lights at least once a week. Graham even loved this. We have done well in passing our excitement down to our boys.

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