I love riding bikes. It thrills me to no end at how much Ethan and Graham like it as well. The past month, we have started going on longer rides with them. Ethan rides his bike w/ training wheels. I am amazed that he can go that far and up the hill we go up. But that is not what this post is about...
Tonight on our ride we decided to stay on Beltline and ride over by Fretz Park. There is a new sidewalk that lets us stay on Beltline going past the soccer fields, fire station, and to the Rec center and library. ANYWAY, we were on this sidewalk right by the library driveway. Paul had stopped to wait for cars, so Ethan did, and then I did. As we were waiting there I lost my balance and completely fell over in the dirt, with my bike on top of me. Seriously, aren't you supposed to crash while moving, not standing still. (if you don't know me very well, I'm not so graceful) So there I am laying in the dirt, trying to figure out how to untangle myself to get up, cars going by, and Paul, Ethan and Graham are just standing there looking at me. I started laughing, then I really had a hard time getting up. Which takes me back to my childhood...
For as long as I can remember, if you did something dumb that made you hurt yourself you get laughed at. In my family, that was me. A bird poops in my hair, they stand and laugh. I sniff a hot candle, get wax all over my face, they roll on the floor and laugh, etc. etc. Never once do I remember an offer of help...
I thought I would grow out of that. Apparently my husband and sons have just picked up where they left off.
At least I get some fun stories out of it. In case you were wondering, it was embarassing to fall right next to a main road. But more funny at my clumsiness!
I think I'll join in with your family:
HA HA HA HAAAAA HAA HAA! That really is very funny! I love that you were standing still. I'm sure I could do that too though, so i better not laugh too hard. :o)
My goodness I think I saw you and I laughed so hard - just joking. If it makes you feel better, my friend Cari who does ironmans fell on her bike last month but she was actually moving.
My favorite is when you were at the store and opened a bottle of conditioner to smell it. You squeezed the bottle and the contents ended up on your face. No, wait! Maybe my favorite is at family devotions when Dad was telling the story of Adam & Eve. He said that Adam fell into a deep ......? You replied "Hole". Your feelings were hurt when we laughed. Do you remember the correct answer now?
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