Monday, April 21, 2008

Green Food Chronicles

Another day in the trenches of Graham ignoring any green food on his plate. As I have stated before, this would exclude green m&m's!!! Tonight at dinner, I served green beans as one of the side dishes. Knowing Graham would not eat them, I continually put green veggies on his plate. During dinner I told Ethan he had to eat all of his green beans, so he started monster eating them. Funny enough Graham followed suit, at least until he actually had the bean in his mouth...then he made a funny face and took it out. Hey, I say - PROGRESS!!! Not once but twice he did this. I guess Ethan's monster eating might be ok after all. I probably should not let on that he is helping me, then he would probably stop. Maybe I'll make a game of it.

So long Emily Post, at least for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girl...have you ever tried putting the veggies in juice? I hear that is a way of tricking the little you...Suzu